VCA Exam

The SCC exam shows that you have all the knowledge around Safety, Health and Environment (HSE). This exam can be booked separately without a course day, making it ideal for employees who know everything about the environment and health.

Prefered language Dutch
Level of knowledge Novice
Duration 1 hour

Information about the exam

You can obtain your VCA Basic, VCA VOL or VIL-VCU diploma without attending a course day. You will then only take part in the exam. However, it is advisable to prepare for the exam in advance. You can do this by studying at home with our SCC course book. However, if you would like to take an SCC course, here is an overview of all VCA courses offered by Training Academy Uden.

Why do you need to pass the VCA exam?

VCA or SCC is an umbrella term for everything to do with occupational health and safety, with a particular focus on risk management. Depending on your role, you may take an SCC exam focused on operational or managerial work. The exam tests your communication skills, but also your knowledge of risks.

VCA courses

Would you like to take an SCC course before taking the exam? Through Training Academy Uden, you can take several 1-day courses before taking the SCC exam.

Our SCC courses are always code 95 and CIBOT certified.

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